Note: It is possible, as in this example, for multiple <ref> or <ptr/> elements to point to a single <note>.

<div2 type="appendix" n="XLVI">
<pb n="300"/>
<head type="main">XLVI</head>
<head type="sub"><i>ARTICLES FORWARDED TO JEFFERSON</i></head>
<head type="desc">[From original MS. by Lewis, in Bureau of Rolls &mdash; Jefferson Papers, series 2, vol. 51, doc. 105.]</head>
<name type="place"><smcap>Saint Louis</smcap></name>, <date value="1804-05-18">May 18<sup>th</sup>.. 1804</date></dateline>
<p>The following is a list of Articles forwarded you by M<sup>r</sup>. Peter <lb/>
<label>N<sup>o</sup>. 1.</label><item><p>A specimen of Silver Oar from Mexico</p></item>
<label>N<sup>o</sup>. 2.</label><item><p>ditto of lead, supposed to contain a <lb/>
considerable quantity of Silver, &mdash; <lb/>
from Mexico<ptr target="nA46.1"/>
<note id="nA46.1" place="right" anchored="no"><p>These were pre- <lb/>
sented me by M<sup>r</sup>. <lb/>
Peter Chouteau, <lb/>
who received them <lb/>
from the Osage In- <lb/>
dians. They hav- <lb/>
ing collected them <lb/>
in some of their <lb/>
War excursions into <lb/>
that Country.</p></note>
<label>N<sup>o</sup>. 3.</label><item><p>An elegant Specimen of Rock Chrystal, <lb/>
also from Mexico &mdash;<ptr target="nA46.1"/></p></item>
<label>N<sup>os</sup>. 4. &amp; 5.</label><item><p>Specimens of led Oar from the Bed of the Osage <lb/>
River . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<ptr target="nA46.2"/>
<note id="nA46.2" place="right" anchored="no"><p>Presented by M<sup>r</sup>. <lb/>
Boilevin and M<sup>r</sup>. <lb/>
Peter Chouteau</p></note>
<label>N<sup>os</sup> 6, 7&ndash;8&ndash;9&ndash;10&ndash;11&ndash;12 14&ndash;&amp; 15.</label><item><p>Specimens of led oar from <lb/>
the mine of Berton, Situate on the Marimec River, <lb/>
now more extensively Wrought than any other led Mine <lb/>
in Louisiana<ptr target="nA46.2"/></p></item>
<head>Miscellanious <lb/>
Articles &mdash;</head>
<item><p>A horned Lizzard, a native of the Osage Plains, on <lb/>
the Waters of the Arkansas River, from five to six <lb/>
hundred miles West of Saint Louis, in a small Trunk &mdash;<ptr target="nA46.3"/>
<note id="nA46.3" place="right" anchored="no"><p>presented by <lb/>
<unclear>M<sup>rs</sup>.</unclear> Charles <lb/>
<item><p>A Specimen of Salt formed by concretion, procured at <lb/>
the great Saline of the Osage Nation, Situate on a <lb/>
Southern branch of the Arkansas River, about six hun- <lb/>
dred Miles West of S<sup>t</sup>. Louis. &mdash;<ptr target="nA46.4"/>
<note id="nA46.4" place="right" anchored="no"><p>presented by <lb/>
M<sup>r</sup>. August <lb/>
<head>Maps &amp;c</head>
<item><p>A Chart of the Mississippi, from the mouth of the Mis- <lb/>
souri, to New Orleans compiled from the observations <lb/>
of M<sup>r</sup>. August [Chouteau? MS. trimmed off at this <lb/>
point. &mdash; <smcap>Ed</smcap>.]<ptr target="nA46.5"/>
<note id="nA46.5" place="right" anchored="no"><p>August</p></note>